
Round table on "Heat energy and energy efficiency"

On January 24 this year in Astana, representatives of JSC "Electric Power and Energy Saving Development Institute" took part in a round table on the topic "Heat energy and energy efficiency", organized by the Representative Office of the Fund named after Konrad Adenauer in Kazakhstan.

A welcoming speech was made by the Director of the Representative Office of the Foundation. Konrad Adenauer in Kazakhstan, Mr. Thomas Helm, noting in his speech the German experience in the field of thermal energy.

An interesting experience was shared by the head of the Department of Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Improvement of the MID RK - O. Alibekov, who spoke about the Kazakhstani experience of implementing the energy saving policy in Kazakhstan.

Director of the Center for Expertise, Management and Monitoring of Projects of the Institute, A. Kabykenov, made a presentation revealing the role of the Institute in the implementation of state policy in the field of energy conservation and energy efficiency, tools for attracting investments in energy efficient projects. Moreover, the main emphasis of the presentation was made on the technical competence of the Institute and the importance of having a competent technical partner in the financial support schemes proposed by UNDP and JSC “Entrepreneurship Development Fund“ Damu ”.

The round table was held with the aim of analyzing the political framework of the energy saving market in Kazakhstan and discussing economic opportunities and prospects for energy conservation and energy efficiency.
