
Presentation of IEA Toolbox on Energy Efficiency Prioritization exercise

Within the framework of the EU4Energy project in Kazakhstan, on February 16 this year in Astana, representatives of the JSC "Electric Power and Energy Saving Development Institute" took part in the presentation of the International Energy Agency's toolbox on energy efficiency (Presentation of IEA Toolbox on Energy Efficiency Prioritization Exercise).

The EU4Energy project is a new energy program funded by the EU for the countries of Central Asia and the Eastern Partnership (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan). The program aims to work with 11 beneficiary countries to improve energy statistics, improve data collection and monitoring, and promote evidence-based policy adoption in line with country needs.

One of the components of the program is Energy Efficiency.