
Workshop on the results of the implementation of the state policy of energy conservation and energy efficiency in 2016 and plans for 2017 in the South Kazakhstan region

On March 3 of this year, JSC "Electric Power and Energy Saving Development Institute" together with the Akimat of the South Kazakhstan region held a working meeting on the results of the implementation of the state policy of energy saving and energy efficiency in 2016 and plans for 2017.

Under the chairmanship of the deputy akim of the South Kazakhstan region Bokenbaev Zh.K., at the meeting on behalf of the Institute the following speakers spoke: the manager of the Center for data collection and processing Sh.S. Bokenbaev. and Chief Manager of the Center for Expertise, Management and Monitoring of Projects, D.M. Maidan

Following the meeting, specific tasks were set for the heads of regional departments, akims of cities and districts to implement the instructions of the Head of State, the Comprehensive Plan for Energy Saving and Increasing Energy Efficiency of the South Kazakhstan Region until 2020. Also, heads of industrial enterprises and GER entities called for intensifying work on saving energy resources, and conducting an energy audit, strict compliance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts affecting the scope of activities on the issue under discussion, expressed confidence in further fruitful cooperation with the Institute.