
Workshop on the results of the implementation of the state policy of energy conservation and energy efficiency in 2016 and plans for 2017

On March 16, 2017, the JSC "Electric Power and Energy Saving Development Institute" together with the State Institution "Department of Energy and Housing and Utilities for the Aktobe Region" held a working meeting on the implementation of state policy in the field of energy saving and energy efficiency in the Aktobe region, namely passing the obligatory energy audit by the subjects of the State Energy Register, forming and maintaining the State Energy Register, forming and maintaining the Energy Efficiency Map, explaining the mechanisms of energy service contracts, public-private partnership on energy saving projects. 

The meeting was chaired by Karzhaubai Ybrayymuly, Deputy Head of the Energy and Housing and Utilities Directorate of Aktobe region, at the meeting on behalf of the Institute were presented: Manager of the Data Collection and Processing Center Maratov A.M. and Chief Manager of the Center for Expertise, Management and Monitoring of Projects Zhanarys D.A.