
Use energy wisely

In terms of the energy intensity of the gross regional product (GRP), Astana occupies one of the most favorable positions among the regions of the republic. Nevertheless, by 2020, the capital must achieve a decrease in the GRP energy intensity by another 3%. This task was set within the framework of the 20 Concrete Steps program.

High costs

The energy intensity of the gross domestic product is the main indicator of a country's energy efficiency. Unfortunately, today our republic significantly lags behind the developed countries, which are members of the Organization for European Economic Cooperation, in terms of the level of efficient use of energy resources. - As of 2015, the level of energy intensity of Kazakhstan's GDP was 0.35 tonnes of oil equivalent / thous. US dollars in 2000 prices. This is 29% below the 2011 level. However, in OECD countries, the average GDP energy intensity is 0.11 toe / thous. dollars, - said Nurlan SHADIEV, manager of the Data Collection and Processing Center of the JSC "Electric Power and Energy Saving Development Institute", to the editorial office.

Climate is to blame

According to a specialist of the institute, the reasons for the low energy efficiency of the republic in comparison with other countries are rooted in a number of reasons. - The high energy intensity of Kazakhstan's GDP is partly due to a number of factors. One of the reasons is the harsh continental climate. Cold is a feature of Kazakhstan; large energy capacities are needed to generate a significant amount of heat and electricity. Due to the fact that we are a country of cold weather, we must have 3.8 times more energy capacity and consume 3.3 times more heat energy than, for example, in a not hot Denmark. Another reason is the large territory, long power lines, oil and gas pipelines. due to the fact that the population density in Kazakhstan is 21 times less than in Denmark, we lose energy for the transportation of electricity three to four times more - 13-16 percent instead of 4-5 in Europe. Another reason is affordable fuel. Affordable and cheap fuel and electricity in the domestic market are the main objective reason for the high energy intensity of the gross domestic product of Kazakhstan and the main barrier to increasing energy efficiency and energy conservation, Nurlan Shadiev noted.

In this regard, the creation of conditions for reducing the energy intensity of GDP and increasing energy efficiency is one of the priority directions of the state policy. This can be achieved by reducing energy consumption and reducing inefficient use of fuel and energy resources. “The strategic documents of the state set the main goals for reducing the energy intensity of GDP by 25% by 2020, this goal was achieved ahead of schedule, as well as by 50% by 2050,” Nurlan Shadiev said.

Modern technologies

As in other regions, Astana should also take measures to reduce the energy intensity of the gross regional product. - The level of energy intensity of the GRP of Astana in 2015 was 0.13 toe / thous. dollars in 2000 prices. This is one of the lowest rates among the regions of the republic, - emphasized the representative of the Institute for the Development of Electric Power Industry and Energy Saving.

The low energy intensity of the capital's economy is due to the fact that there are no large energy companies and industrial facilities in Astana, all of them are concentrated in the northern and western regions of the country. The specialist also noted that the creation of modern production facilities has a positive effect on the energy efficiency indicator. 

- One of the key mechanisms for achieving the set tasks to improve energy efficiency is the implementation of the State Program for Industrial and Innovative Development (SPIID) of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015-2019. Within the framework of the program, an indicator is planned to reduce the energy intensity of the manufacturing industry by 15% from the level of 2012. The program stimulates the diversification and competitiveness of the manufacturing industry. In Astana, within the framework of the SPIID, since 2009, large funds have been invested in free economic zone projects - more than 300 billion tenge. Over 5 years, over 100 projects have been implemented, production facilities for the production of goods with high added value have been created, ”Qurlan Shadiev said.

An action plan is being prepared

In the State Institution "Energy Department of Astana City", the editorial staff reported on the measures to be taken as part of the implementation of the 19th step of the program "20 concrete steps" introduction of energy efficient technologies on the basis of EXPO ”. The energy intensity of the capital's GRP should be reduced by 3% by 2020, the department noted.

- The development of a Comprehensive Plan for Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Improvement of the City of Astana for 2017-2020 is underway. Its developer is the Institute for the Development of Electricity and Energy Saving JSC. Currently, the structure of energy consumption by the main consumers of the city has been fully analyzed. The best international experience of cities with similar climatic conditions for the introduction of energy-saving technologies has been studied. This plan will cover the energy, utilities, industrial, housing, transport and other sectors of the city. For each sector, specific measures will be presented in order to reduce the energy intensity of the capital's GRP to the target level, the Energy Department of the capital reported. Besides, In preparation for the International Exhibition "EXPO-2017", the Energy Department plans to implement a project to install small forms of renewable energy sources without a burden on the city budget. - This project includes the installation of various innovative inventions in the city. Currently, work is underway to attract investors, - explained in the department.

Source:  http://vechastana.kz/novosti/1006748-ispolzovat-energiyu-s-umom/  Evening Astana © wwww.vechastana.kz