
Final conference "Energy efficient lighting in Kazakhstan: goals, results and prospects"

Today, May 26, the final conference "Energy efficient lighting in Kazakhstan: goals, results and prospects" was held at the Marriott Astana Hotel, designed to summarize the results of the Project in the country, as well as to familiarize with individual national and international practices for promoting energy efficient lighting. Representatives of the Institute for the Development of Electric Power Industry and Energy Saving (Kazakhenergoexpertiza) JSC took part in the conference.

Welcoming remarks were made by: Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Industrial Development and Industrial Safety T.B. Nurashev, Head of the Department of Sustainable Development and Urbanization of UNDP in Kazakhstan R. Rakhimov, Akim of the city of Satpayev, Karaganda region A.A. Idrisov and the national coordinator of the GEF / SGP in Kazakhstan K. Yushchenko.

During the conference, the participants discussed the results achieved over 5 years of the project: the adoption of mandatory standards for special technologies and methods of using lighting, including LEDs, the implementation of pilot projects through the modernization of lighting in schools, medical institutions and streets.

One of the equally important tasks of the project was a program to promote LED products among the general public, the implementation of which led to overall energy savings and a reduction in CO2 emissions.

Thus, it can be noted that the energy efficient lighting project, the country is reaching the established transition at an impressive and accelerated pace.