
The first energy-efficient kindergartens have started working in Aktau

AKTAU, July 26, 2017-Today, representatives of the World Bank, the Swiss Embassy in Kazakhstan and the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, together with the akims of the Mangystau region and the city of Aktau, officially launched three kindergartens that have been modernized to improve energy efficiency. Now more than 1,500 children and the staff of these social facilities will be engaged in comfortable rooms with improved heating, water supply and lighting.

"Kazakhstan is one of the ten most energy-intensive economies in the world. High energy intensity leads to significant costs for the country in terms of economic competitiveness, public health and the environment. Through this Project, we aim to demonstrate how cost-effective modernization can help municipalities improve air quality associated with reducing carbon emissions, as well as significantly save budgets by reducing energy costs," said Ato Brown, Permanent Representative of the World Bank in Kazakhstan.

In total, 5 kindergartens and 1 school will be modernized in the Mangystau region this year. Before the repair work, there are three kindergartens in Aktau (№31, №53, №54) we have passed an energy audit and technical inspections. As of today, the roof has been repaired at these facilities, temperature-controlled heating systems and automatic heating points have been installed, windows, doors and lighting systems have been replaced. The reconstruction of the other three facilities - the kindergarten "Balausa" in the village of Munaishi, school No. 3 in the village of Zhetybai and kindergarten No. 42 in Aktau will be completed by the end of the year.

During the two years of the implementation of the Project "Improving Energy Efficiency in Kazakhstan", 44 social facilities (kindergartens, schools and hospitals) were selected throughout Kazakhstan. The project is aimed at improving energy efficiency in public and social institutions and creating favorable conditions for sustainable energy efficiency financing. Every year, a Steering committee consisting of representatives of the Ministries of Health, Education and National Economy selects the most energy-intensive facilities proposed by municipalities for modernization. In support of the Government's efforts to attract strategic investors to the energy efficiency sector, the next round was recently announced, which includes applications for the pilot scheme "PPP – ESCO" (energy service companies).

The project to improve energy efficiency in Kazakhstan is being implemented with grant funds from the Swiss government and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation in the amount of US $ 21.76 million, directed through a Trust Fund administered by the World Bank. The co-financing from the participating institutions, public utilities and municipalities amounts to US $ 1.3 million.The four-year Project (2015-2019) is being implemented by the JSC "Electric power and energy saving development Institute" under the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.