

On August 11 of this year, a conference was held in Kokshetau on the topic: "Tools of state support for improving energy saving and energy efficiency at social and business facilities". The main purpose of the conference is to explain the state tools for supporting the introduction of energy-saving and energy-efficient technologies at social facilities. In the city of Kokshetau, about half of the seven and a half thousand light points have been modernized, this implementation will save electricity.

For example, one of the schools of the Arshaly district, equipped with modern devices, saves about 3 million tenge per year.

According to the plan, new energy-saving technologies will be introduced in other educational institutions of the Akmola region in the near future.

On behalf of JSC "Electric power and energy saving development Institute", the Director of the Center for Project Management and PPP Development, D. R. Kurmanbayev, spoke at the conference.

Source: http://kokshetautv.kz/ru/news/society/novye-tehnologii-energosberezheniya-v-uchebnyh-zavedeniyah