
Three social objects in Kostanay region have completed modernization to improve energy efficiency

Today, the representative of the World Bank, Mr. Ato Brown, together with theJSC "Electric power and energy saving development Institute", as well as the Department of Energy of the Kostanay region, inspected the objects that have been modernized in order to improve energy efficiency.

The trip included a visit to the Tobolsk secondary school of the education department of the akimat of the Taranovsky district. At the entrance to the school, the guests were waiting for the Head of the Education Department of the Taranovsky district, Alimbayeva Aigul Temirkhanovna and the Director of the school, Krivchenkova Elena Valeryevna.

"We would like to express our gratitude to the World Bank and the JSC "Electric power and energy saving development Institute", that the investments important for social structures were made in our school. This project is very important for us and there are a lot of reasons. The school has become much brighter, an Automatic heating point has been installed, something that our school has lacked for many years. Since there has been a low temperature in our school for many years, to be honest, we have already become accustomed to it. But thanks to the project, it has now become much warmer in our walls, which was noticed by our students."  commented on the updates of the school Director Elena Valeryevna.

In turn, Mr. Ato Brown, in a conversation with the students, was very glad that the transformation of the school has such a positive effect on children and wished to study only perfectly.

The next object where the delegation went was the city of Lisakovsk. Here, work was carried out to replace 91 lamps of the RCU, housing and communal services with LED ones. The length of the street lighting is 2.8 km.

In Lisakovsk, the guests discussed the work carried out with the Mayor of the city, Almat Yerikovich Ismagulov, and also discussed a plan for further cooperation to improve the energy efficiency of the city.

"I can report on our project. That is, there is already the first sign of a positive economic effect. We have calculated the electricity costs of the third quarter – August, September and we can say with confidence that the electricity losses decreased by 17 percent. That is, we are already saving 550 thousand tenge this quarter" - with such positive news, the Delegation was met by the chief physician of the Auliekol central district hospital, Shulgin Sergey Vladimirovich.

In this hospital, work was carried out on the replacement of wooden windows, the introduction of a low-emission window film, the replacement of lamps with LED lights, and much more, which contributed to obtaining visible results in energy efficiency.

During the trip, the representatives of the delegation were presented with letters of thanks and memorable gifts.

In general, this trip to Kostanay region showed that improving energy efficiency brings significant savings to the budget of such social facilities as schools, hospitals, etc. Investments in three objects amount to a total of 131,227,603 tenge. In the future, three more investment projects are planned in the Kostanay region, which fall into the third group, with a implementation period for 2018-2019.

During the two years of the implementation of the Project "Improving Energy Efficiency in Kazakhstan", 44 social facilities (kindergartens, schools and hospitals) were selected throughout Kazakhstan. The project is aimed at improving energy efficiency in public and social institutions and creating favorable conditions for sustainable energy efficiency financing.