
A meeting of the working group on the implementation of a pilot subproject on the introduction of an energy management system in the city municipality was held in Shakhtinsk

On November 19, a working group meeting was held in the city of Shakhtinsk with the participation of representatives of the JSC "Electric power and energy saving development Institute"(EEDI), the German Energy Agency (dena), as well as the heads of the Akimat of the city of Shakhtinsk on the implementation of a pilot subproject on the introduction of an energy management system in the municipality of the city within the framework of the joint project "Energy Efficiency of municipalities of the Republic of Kazakhstan".

Under the chairmanship of Akim of Shakhtinsk-Aimakov S. Zh. and members of the working group, issues on the implementation of the stages of the joint project "Introduction of energy and environmental management in institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan"were considered and discussed.

In his report, the Chairman of the Board of the EEDI, Smagulov Baurzhan Amirzhanovich, told about the current situation and plans to improve the energy saving system in the public sector.

"As the world experience shows, for the effective implementation of the energy saving policy, first of all, it is necessary to introduce an energy management system in the structure of local executive bodies of the regions, which will more clearly determine the target indicators and develop the correct methods for calculating standards. It is for this purpose that our strategic partner dena developed this project and selected Shakhtinsk as a pilot. As well as for your city, this project is very important for the branch Ministry, as a result of which your experience will be applied in other cities."

In 2017, the World Bank conducted an assessment of 114 countries of the world in the direction of "Energy saving and energy efficiency improvement". The assessment was carried out on 12 indicators, where our country has one of the lowest indicators according to the indicator "Obligations and incentives for the public sector". The potential for energy saving in the public sector is quite high and reaches 40%.

During the meeting, such topical issues were raised as the lack of motivation for energy saving, due to many factors, such as poor awareness of energy saving, weak control by the management over the consumption of energy resources (payment for utilities is made from the republican or local budget), the property is not the property of the management.

Due to the fact that the competence of the authorized body includes the development and approval of energy consumption standards , which cannot be developed without a methodology for calculating standards, the Institute proposed to supplement the competence in terms of developing and approving a methodology for budget organizations, depending on the type of heat supply (central or autonomous), the equipment used for heat supply, the type of energy consumed, the year of construction and type of building, area, number of floors, geographical location, the last major repairs, etc.

In turn, the German Energy Agency (dena) shared recommendations on the action plan for the implementation of the energy management system.

The meeting of the working group resulted in summing up the results, developing solutions and plans for the next stage, such as:

- integration of the meeting of the working group into the systematic work of the Akimat of Shakhtinsk without the subsequent participation of dena representatives;

- information and technical support from the Institute;

- identification of a specific object (building of the secondary school of Shakhtinsk) for pilot modernization and search for grant funds;

- study of the proposals of the participants of the meeting