
Meeting with the Institute of Economics and Energy of Japan (IEEJ), Kawasaki Heavy Industries ltd., ITOCHU Corporation and the Japanese Embassy in Kazakhstan.

In order to continue cooperation between Kazakhstan and Japan on the implementation of energy efficient technologies in the energy sector, on October 4, in Nur-Sultan, a round of negotiations was held between the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructural Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, JSC "Electric power and energy saving development institute" (EEDI) and a Japanese delegation in the face of the first heads of the Institute of Economics and Energy of Japan (IEEJ), Kawasaki Heavy Industries ltd., ITOCHU Corporation and the Japanese Embassy in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

   Vice Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Amaniyaz Yerzhanov, representing the Kazakh side, during the negotiations stressed the importance of energy efficiency issues for the Government of Kazakhstan and attracting investments, as part of the 59th step of the Nation's plan in particular. “There is a high interest from Kazakhstani enterprises in technologies that allow generating cleaner energy in the traditional way,” the vice minister added.

   From the Japanese side, Kawasaki gas turbine units were presented, which achieve maximum energy savings through co-generation, thanks to which, according to IEEJ President Mr.

    Both sides agreed on mutually beneficial cooperation, for the effective development of which they agreed to conduct a research marketing review on the implementation of Japanese technologies, for which EEDI was instructed to start work in this direction together with the IEEJ.