
Meeting with the Representative Office of the United Nations Development Program in Kazakhstan (UNDP)

JSC "Electric power and energy saving development institute" (Institute) and the United Nations Development Program in Kazakhstan (UNDP) "compared notes" during a bilateral meeting that took place on October 11 at the Institute.

   As you know, promoting energy efficiency in Kazakhstan is one of the priority areas of UNDP activities. This is evidenced by various projects implemented by UNDP in Kazakhstan, including those aimed at promoting energy efficient design and construction of residential buildings, street lighting, financial support mechanisms and other projects for sustainable low-carbon development.

During the meeting, the Chairman of the Board of the Institute, Baurzhan Smagulov, spoke about the key directions of the energy conservation policy implemented by the Institute to date, as well as the main results obtained as a result of the analysis of data from the State Energy Register (SER) and the Energy Efficiency Map.

  Yakup Berish, UNDP Resident Representative in Kazakhstan, fully agrees with the main conclusion of Baurzhan Smagulov about the need to improve the mechanisms for the development of the energy service market today in order to achieve the main strategic indicator - reducing the energy intensity of GDP by 25% by 2025.

   “And the results of the analysis of the monitoring data of the subjects of ERT, collected by the Institute, will become a good basis for the development of effective and sustainable measures of state support,” added Yakup Berish.

Upon completion of the negotiations, both sides expressed their intentions not only to continue cooperation within the framework of joint projects, but also to strengthen it, incl. on possible joint development of new projects in the field of energy saving.