
Meeting with Slovak manufacturers of energy-saving technologies

On January 22, a meeting was held between representatives of JSC "Electric power and energy saving development institute" and Slovak manufacturers of energy-efficient heating systems for industrial enterprises-ADRIAN Group s.r.o and "Market Solution" LLP, an official representative in Kazakhstan.

The parties discussed the possibilities of developing cooperation in the field of energy saving. The main tools of the energy saving policy in Kazakhstan were presented to the guests

Chairman of the Board Smagulov B. A. expressed readiness to assist in the introduction of Slovak technologies at the enterprises of the subjects of the State Energy Register. Slovak technologies operating on both natural and liquefied gas have already proved their profitability in practice in many large enterprises of the western region. According to them, they can maintain a temperature regime in large rooms. In addition, their technologies allow saving from 50 to 70% of electricity costs, which has a positive impact on the payback period of projects. Taking into account the gasification of the central region in the near future, the parties agreed to explore the potential of the Karaganda region, including the city of Zhezkazgan.

The parties also identified important joint activities aimed at exchanging experience, raising information awareness, attracting financial investments and a number of other issues.

The trilateral memorandum of cooperation signed with ADRIAN Group and "Market Solution" LLP became the consolidation of international cooperation.