
JSC "Electric power and energy saving development institute" and ADB intend to continue cooperation in the field of energy saving

JSC "Electric power and energy saving development institute" and the Representative Office of the Asian Development Bank in Kazakhstan intend to continue cooperation in the field of energy saving. During the meeting which held at the Institute, the parties discussed the work done together and plans for further promotion of the strategic partnership.

The Bank implemented a technical assistance project to improve the Institute's potential and competence in the field of public-private partnership. The parties conducted research and developed a package of documentation on the implementation of energy-saving pilot projects through the mechanism of public-private partnership, including energy-efficient modernization in medical and educational institutions of Atyrau region, Atyrau and street lighting in Kyzylorda.

In addition, the participants of the meeting shared information about current projects and mechanisms for improving energy efficiency. The director of the representative office of the Asian Development Bank in Kazakhstan, Giovanni Capanneli, was interested in the mechanism of forming the State Energy Register and what data is used in the collection and analysis, which was explained in more detail by the representatives of the institute.

The State Energy Register (SER) is a database on the list of energy-intensive enterprises that consume energy resources in an amount equivalent to 1,500 or more tons of conventional fuel per year, as well as state institutions, quasi-public sector entities and natural monopolies that consume energy resources in an amount equivalent to 100 or more tons of conventional fuel per year. At the beginning of 2020, the register consists of 20,533 subjects.

The introduction of the energy register in Kazakhstan was based on the experience of Japan, because today Japan is one of the best countries in the world in terms of energy conservation and energy efficiency improvement. The Register identifies the main consumers of energy resources and allows the state to monitor their energy consumption and encourage energy conservation.

Also, during the meeting, new initiatives of joint projects were discussed, primarily aimed at promoting sustainable, green growth by improving energy efficiency and facilitating access to finance and stimulating green projects in small and medium-sized businesses.

At the end of the meeting, the Chairman of the Board of the Institute, Baurzhan Smagulov, presented Mr. Javanni Kapanneli with a statuette symbolizing energy saving as a sign of the bank's significant contribution to improving the energy efficiency of Kazakhstan.