
In 2020, 1,477 subjects of the State Energy Register conducted an energy audit

According to the JSC "Electric power and energy saving development institute", last year 1,477 subjects of the State Energy Register conducted an energy audit. The main task of the energy audit is to identify opportunities for energy saving and increase the energy efficiency of the enterprise with the reflection of the results obtained in the energy audit report.

The energy audit company will collect, process and analyze data on the use of energy resources in order to assess the possibility and potential of energy saving and prepare an opinion.

According to paragraph 4 of Article 16 of the Law "On Energy Saving and Improving Energy Efficiency", the subjects of the State Energy Register, with the exception of state institutions, undergo a mandatory energy audit at least once every 5 years. Such an energy audit is carried out in accordance with the Energy Audit Rules.

According to the Institute, in 2015, energy audits were carried out by 220 subjects of the SER, in 2016 - 639 subjects, in 2017 - 954 subjects, in 2018 - 1,170 subjects and in 2019 - 1,361 subjects of the SER.

The total number of SER entities obliged to conduct an energy audit is 3,542 entities, of which 1,477 GER entities (42%) conducted energy audits, 616 GER entities have developed action plans for energy saving and energy efficiency.

The main stages of such an energy audit are: preparatory, measuring, analytical, final.

Based on the results of the energy audit, the energy audit organization draws up a conclusion, consisting of three main parts: an introductory part, which indicates the data of the applicant (customer), the energy audit organization, the main part, which provides an analysis of the consumption of energy resources, to determine the specific consumption of energy resources for unit of production and the final part containing the main conclusions and recommendations.

Thus, an energy audit will help you to reduce the costs of heating, electricity, gas, water, take into account losses and leaks of heat, water, electricity and eliminate them, increase the company's competitiveness.

How this happens in practice, let us give an example, a company producing cement and clinker. The energy audit of the enterprise was carried out in 2015.

During the energy audit of the enterprise, the structure of consumption of fuel and energy resources, the composition and modes of operation of technological equipment, and systems for recording energy consumption were analyzed.

Based on the results of the energy audit, the following measures to improve energy efficiency were proposed for implementation:

- conversion of slag drying unit No. 1 from coal to pulverized coal;

- installation of additional smoke exhausters in the department of raw mills;

- modification of the clinker kiln ignition system No. 6;

- replacement of outdated fans with modern ones (with an efficiency of 80-88%);

- modernization of the lighting system;

- replacement of the pneumatic lift system with the elevator system of Line No. 6

The implementation of these measures made it possible to reduce the specific power consumption for cement production from 124.5 kW * h / t in 2015 to 111.6 kW * h / t in 2019. The decrease in the indicator was 12.9 kW * h / t or 10% of the 2015 level.

332 million tenge was invested in the implementation of the measures. With energy savings in value terms of 236.2 million tenge, the payback period will be 1.4 years.

Consumption reduction potential for the measures adopted for implementation amounted to 5,115 tons of fuel equivalent. or 3.3% of the total energy consumption in the base year.