
Meetings on the results of the implementation of state policy in the field of energy saving and energy efficiency

In the period from January 27, 2021 to March 02, 2021, in order to implement the State Policy in the field of energy saving and energy efficiency, the Institute, together with the akimats(local administrations) of regions, cities of republican significance and the capital city of Kazakhstan, organized and held meetings in 17 regions of the country. At the meetings, issues were raised on the results of the implementation of the state policy in the field of energy saving and energy efficiency, including the formation and maintenance of the State Energy Register, the passage of the mandatory energy audit procedure by the subjects of the GER, the development of action plans following the results of the energy audit, the implementation of energy saving measures. In addition, the issues of forming and maintaining an Energy Efficiency Map were discussed on the agenda, and the mechanisms of work of ESCO companies and PPPs in the field of energy saving were explained.

All meetings were held under the chairmanship of the deputy akim and the heads of the relevant region in charge of energy saving issues.

The holding of such events in the regions has a positive impact on the implementation of the state policy in the field of energy saving and increasing of energy efficiency, in particular, assistance in collecting information from the subjects of the State Energy Register, necessary for the formation of the State Energy Register and the Energy Efficiency Map, the passage of the energy audit procedure by the subjects of the SER, the implementation of plans for energy saving and energy efficiency improvement. A positive result of these meetings is the close mutual cooperation of the national institute with the local executive authorities, in the field of implementing the key mechanisms of the energy saving policy.